ruby (@srxl) [archived]


  • YEARS OF COMMUNICATING yet NO REAL WORLD USE FOUND for more than text/plain
  • Wanted to style content anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "WEBSITES"
  • "Yes please embed an IMAGE in my email. Please use MULTIPLE FONTS in it" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly DERANGED
shuppy (@delan) [archived]


I can’t agree more  J

#Please consider the environment before printing this chost.
Damien (@eramdam) [archived]


signed: a guy who lost points of sanity having to fork HTML parsers to explicitly not crash on non valid HTML in emails because, well, Gmail parses it fine so I have to parse it fine too

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

counterpoint: all html is valid, some of it is just more valid than others

ruby (@srxl) [archived]


  • YEARS OF COMMUNICATING yet NO REAL WORLD USE FOUND for more than text/plain
  • Wanted to style content anyway for a laugh? We had a tool for that: It was called "WEBSITES"
  • "Yes please embed an IMAGE in my email. Please use MULTIPLE FONTS in it" - Statements dreamed up by the utterly DERANGED
shuppy (@delan) [archived]


I can’t agree more  J

Tom (tired of the computer) (@masklayer) [archived]

VTOL means Vermont: Take Off and Leave

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

DFU means Dallas/Fort Uorth

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

“she’s a real gooner in the doona” — hypothetical review of yours truly

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

gooner? i barely knower

molasses implies the existence of molads and mononbinary pals

bippo and beppo implies the existence of not just zippo, but also zeppo

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

time to go the fuck home again

camera display that reads "Card", "No card"
#The Cohost Global Feed
bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

“so, no card?”

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

deathcam for cutie

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

“girls could fix me” but in a tone that implies this is not just a hope, but a last resort

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

girls MUST fix me

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

girls COULD fix me

(this is critical to my operation, but i won't require it to allow for girl product differentiation)

NES Pictionary 🤖 (@nes-pictionary) [archived]

swap art style


solution ...okay so now i'm just gonna put in a load of text that won't show up on-screen but should pad out the off-site embeds (like discord) enough that the solution won't actually get spoiled in the embed hopefully maybe. wouldn't it be great if cohost hid the spoiler tags from the embed text? i think that'd be neat. okay hopefully that's enough padding now fingers crossed. anyway if the embed is still going then *gasp* spoilers, the solution is HORSESHOE
#nes-pictionary#automated post#bot
Tom (tired of the computer) (@masklayer) [archived]


shuppy (@delan) [archived]


(as of 9 june 2023, § 40)

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

you've heard of predatory journals. now, get ready for prey journals. they're so small. be careful, don't squish them with your huge impact factor

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

shuppy (@delan) [archived]


bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

australian chastity cage, call it a Locked Bag

#australia#hyperspecific australian shitchosting
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

kangaroo in chastity, call that a locked 袋鼠

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

forljg ulnk fmld when you’re in game, call that a qwksfo h;hkjf

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

bj;ukg iuef bmur when you leave game, call that a cyifhae hyhfkb

forljg ulnk fmld when you’re in game, call that a qwksfo h;hkjf

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

did you know

dark gray nissan 350z with the number plate CYF64N (nsw), beside text that reads “Most crimes are related to the use of a motor vehicle.”
#The Cohost Global Feed#car bad
sirocyl (@sirocyl) [archived]

tfw your computer does this when you shut it down

"Most crimes are related to the use of a motor vehicle." written out like the Windows 95 "It's now safe to turn off your computer." screeh, in the same font and style.

This is the same image, as a GIF ready to be imported to Windows 95.
The image looks vertically stretched, because it is rendered with non-square pixels in Windows.

Open in Internet Explorer; right-click, save picture as, and select "BMP File" under type.
Save it, then open it in Paint. Select all, copy.
Open another Paint window, and open \Windows\logos.sys.
Paste over the image, then save it. Shut down to see it in action.

#it's now safe to turn off your computer#windows 95
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

did you know

dark gray nissan 350z with the number plate CYF64N (nsw), beside text that reads “Most crimes are related to the use of a motor vehicle.”
#The Cohost Global Feed#car bad
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

“Most crimes are related to the use of a motor vehicle.” but in the style of “It’s now safe to turn off your computer.”

did you know

dark gray nissan 350z with the number plate CYF64N (nsw), beside text that reads “Most crimes are related to the use of a motor vehicle.”
Heather "hthrflwrs" Flowers (@hthrflwrs) [archived]

Horse, M.D.

waffle (@wffl) [archived]

Cat, txt

ruby (@srxl) [archived]

Fox, org

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

Crab, rs

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

Fish, fish

gpgpu (girl puppy gpu)

the spine has no nerves

the spine has no nerves



luna (@lunasorcery) [archived]

was not expecting the term “spag bol” to have my american girlfriend breaking down in cackling laughter but apparently they don’t call it that over there?

shuppy (@delan) [archived]


spag = spaghetti
bol = bolognese
emia = presence in blood

“the disembodied_hand of the free market”


oi m8 got your pen licence?!

screenshot of the “Pen licences” page on the western australia department of transport website, with a table that reads “No pens found.”
bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

she outage on my service till i switch

shuppy (@delan) [archived]


fr(uit h)ot cross buns

ice ⑨ kills

naomi (@nao) [archived]

a tale of two johns

#digital photography#toilets
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

bit of a fixer upper, but lots of character. two bathrooms, perfect for a growing family, with fresh air and a stunning view despite some minor plumbing issues. $680 per week

it's suzy (@trashbang) [archived]

Anyone: [abbreviates 'gay baby jail' as 'GBJ']

My brain, invariably: gackwards blong jump

#i don't know
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

gyndon b. johnson

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

geanut butter & jam

#(or jelly)
shuppy (@delan) [archived]


it's suzy (@trashbang) [archived]

Anyone: [abbreviates 'gay baby jail' as 'GBJ']

My brain, invariably: gackwards blong jump

#i don't know
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

gyndon b. johnson

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

geanut butter & jam

it's suzy (@trashbang) [archived]

Anyone: [abbreviates 'gay baby jail' as 'GBJ']

My brain, invariably: gackwards blong jump

#i don't know
luna (@lunasorcery) [archived]

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

gyndon b. johnson

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

phlebotomy is when you have blood drawn by someone. phlebotopy is when you draw someone's blood

#no it fucking isn't#i literally don't know
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

comment by jckarter @jckarter, “phlebology is when you use someone's blood to predict the future”

phlebonomy is when you are a vampire

#no it fucking isn't#i literally don't know
sirocyl (@sirocyl) [archived]

phleboscopy is when you look at the moon through a film of blood, unlocking the werewolf tendencies

#Yes it fucking is
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

<@bark> of course you have blue hair and pronouns / of course you have unifi and 172.16/12
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

phlebotomy is when you have blood drawn by someone. phlebotopy is when you draw someone's blood

#no it fucking isn't#i literally don't know
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

comment by jckarter @jckarter, “phlebology is when you use someone's blood to predict the future”

phlebonomy is when you are a vampire

phlebotomy is when you have blood drawn by someone. phlebotopy is when you draw someone's blood

Gints Halcejs (@Halceon) [archived]

The existence of the Honda Civic implies the existence of the Honda Militant

Jaida R. L. Mack (@jaidamack) [archived]

The Honda Accord must intermittently do battle with its equal and opposite, the Honda Discord.

#shitchost#Mirror Universe#the discord has a beard
havana syndrome enjoyer (@pawdrugs) [archived]

honda fit vs honda injured

cat (@catball) [archived]

Honda Odyssey and Honda Iliad

Tim Chevalier (@tjc) [archived]

Toyota Tacoma and Toyota Seattle

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

Dallas Semiconductor and Fort Worth Semiconductor

ME: gdb, please tell me the value of ESR_EL1

GDB: thats too hard. heres 207 system registers i think are good. do you like this

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

Dallas/Fort Uorth

#no it fucking isn't#i literally don't know
bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

dog from ustralia

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

doggirl fucked up

Dallas/Fort Uorth

❌ bobs your uncle
⭕️ bingos your sister

running the big lebowski.mp4 through handbrake

call that philip seymour huffman

kuggis pluggis

kuggis pluggis

❎ boywifes ✅ hebrides
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

🎨 browsers are user agents 🦾

Browsers as user agents
Empower users to interact with the web on their own terms!
my general process is that every time i am feeling complainthoughts about a website, i think, wait, i could do something about that. — @blep on cohost Why customise the web?
Accessibility (26)
Readability and layout (31)
Automation and user rights (26)
Blocking non-ad content (18)
Bugs and features (18)
Personalisation (11)
Other (2) Tools for customisation
Author tools: styles, scripts, interactivity
User tools: user styling, user scripting, bookmarklets
[cow tools]
User styling: when loading some URL, add custom CSS
User scripting: when loading some URL, run JS in page context
Bookmarklets: when loading bookmark, run JS in page context How we can help
Advocate for user customisation in spec design
Involve customisation tooling devs in the standards process
Help build customisation tooling — existing or new; e.g. better UI for picking and restyling elements, or improve support for user stylesheets (user origin)
Help raise funds for userscript and userstyle repos;,,

i did a talk about why being able to customise the web is important, with a focus on userstyles, userscripts, and bookmarklets.

i explore how to make them, why people make them (thanks to your replies!), what we can learn from them, and how we can make them better.

#The Cohost Global Feed#web platform#userstyles#userscripts#bookmarklets#browser extensions#accessibility#css
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

pov: you wanna learn about content blocking but there’s a buncha nonsense in the way

slide about content blocking, covered with a cookie consent banner, live chat assistant, and clearly fake nft ad

swear some of these 2d girls have non-euclidean spines


i only know the first four letters of dQw4w9WgXcQ, but i know all ten letters of IN Elite!EienteiYsU. this says a lot about society

“what’s the command to make x11 slutty?” — @bark

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my quality of life, like spoons and chronic illnesses flareups

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my % of barks vs words, so i can have Observability into my puppy tf progress

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

making sure i hit my puppy sla under threat of refunding my owner prorata

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

<@bark> owner gets a massive bill because they got charged for 5000 borks egress on the puppy they didn’t suspend

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

dealing with a major puppy leak incident after my cage was left unsecured

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my quality of life, like spoons and chronic illnesses flareups

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my % of barks vs words, so i can have Observability into my puppy tf progress

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

making sure i hit my puppy sla under threat of refunding my owner prorata

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

<@bark> owner gets a massive bill because they got charged for 5000 borks egress on the puppy they didn’t suspend

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my quality of life, like spoons and chronic illnesses flareups

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

grafana but for logging my % of barks vs words, so i can have Observability into my puppy tf progress

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

making sure i hit my puppy sla under threat of refunding my owner prorata

taking nibbles outta this teaspoon of vegemite like im sipping wine

rookie mistookie


 mdadmdma - manage MDMA devices aka midomafetamine

 mdadmdma [

choggers to the pampers

“this estrogen gel is like if you said every night i have to pull one of my eyeballs out. then put it in the other eye.

like swap eyeballs every night” — 🪐

Tim Chevalier (@tjc) [archived]

I really hate it when programmers abbreviate "count" as "cnt". It's two more letters, motherfucker

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

ATM-style compromise


it’s tyool 2008. you just started high school (year 8, not year 7). you go to the canteen and what do you find? nudie nothing but 4½ oranges™©® double pulp? pfft, no. that would be a very good choice, if you wanted a Proper orange juice, and if your canteen even sold it, but who could afford that shit with $3 a day^ of lunch money?

❦ ❦ ❦
introducing Orange'C'
  • it apparently contains 25% “juice”
    • and 75% uhh sugar? e621? motor oil? colours and flavours and preservatives that probably turned the freakin delans trans (and gave her autism)?
  • it tastes exactly like orange tic tacs
    • which you best believe i also downed by the 24-gram-container-cum-mouthful

the internet (and the photo above) would have you believe that the magical liquid in question looks like one of these…

…but that wasn’t always the case! it actually looked more like this:

^ or $0 a day, if you weren’t white


your video (audio) looks (sounds) like i would have sent it as a crusty .3gp (.amr) to my high school buddies over infrared in 2009

shuppy (@delan) [archived]


shuppy (@delan) [archived]

remember what they took from us

the world’s blurriest photo of sndrec32

who called it “cheater”

and not “hacked on the sticks”

Coretex-i5, Raspberry Lake

bark. bark bark (@bark) [archived]

reverse engineering is when you do a lot of hex to decimal and decimal to hex conversions. the more conversions you do, the more reverse the engineering is

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

reverse engineering is when you do a lot of byte swapping. the smaller the endian is, the more reverse the engineering is

alex tax1a (@atax1a) [archived]

nearly every time we talk about how DOCSIS modems, up until relatively recently, encapsulated PPPoE traffic in MPEG Transport Stream format, we have the pleasure of seeing someone go “wait, what?”

#DOCSIS#MPEG#MPEG Transport Stream#Cable Modem Termination System#PPP#PPPoE
walking mirage (@atomicthumbs) [archived]

shuppy (@delan) [archived]


lain ping tool (@l1npengtul) [archived]

eggstrogen (new cohost merch)

© 2022 anti medical medical club llc

thanks for using eggstrogen (teggstrosterone coming soon)
#The Cohost Global Feed#estrogen#hrt#cohost#eggbug
femoidfurry (@akai) [archived]

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

uh oh

the existence of conjugated eggbug estrogens implies the existence of eggbug pregnancy and eggbug piss