
it’s tyool 2008. you just started high school (year 8, not year 7). you go to the canteen and what do you find? nudie nothing but 4½ oranges™©® double pulp? pfft, no. that would be a very good choice, if you wanted a Proper orange juice, and if your canteen even sold it, but who could afford that shit with $3 a day^ of lunch money?

❦ ❦ ❦
introducing Orange'C'
  • it apparently contains 25% “juice”
    • and 75% uhh sugar? e621? motor oil? colours and flavours and preservatives that probably turned the freakin delans trans (and gave her autism)?
  • it tastes exactly like orange tic tacs
    • which you best believe i also downed by the 24-gram-container-cum-mouthful

the internet (and the photo above) would have you believe that the magical liquid in question looks like one of these…

…but that wasn’t always the case! it actually looked more like this:

^ or $0 a day, if you weren’t white