shuppy (@delan) [archived]

made a website so i can continue chosting

screenshot of the top of, with a bunch of tag links at the topscreenshot of some other posts on, one of them showing tags
>>> <<<
or add me to your feed reader!
>>> atom feed <<<
(need a feed reader? here are a bunch)
(it works well in FreshRSS and thunderbird)

oh and i’ve updated my contact details!! say hi and send me stuff :3

i had an old website, but for a variety of reasons it really didn’t feel like a good successor to my cohost page. i feel like what i really want is to Continue Chosting next month, just on my own website? (well no, what i really want is cohost, but failing that…)

so i made this! and many of my old chosts are there now too! i’ll need a bit more time to figure out how to actually make new posts (lol) and have them play nice with my old chosts, but hey, now you know where to find me once i do o/

shuppy (@delan) [archived]

active ingredients: path manipulation 70% w/w

i gotta pay down this tech debt asafp or this thing is gonna burst into treats.

also, clicking “publish” in the composer redirects you to the post now, but i figured this would be funnier than posting a screenshot of a redirect.