🎨 browsers are user agents 🦾

Browsers as user agents
Empower users to interact with the web on their own terms!
my general process is that every time i am feeling complainthoughts about a website, i think, wait, i could do something about that. — @blep on cohost Why customise the web?
Accessibility (26)
Readability and layout (31)
Automation and user rights (26)
Blocking non-ad content (18)
Bugs and features (18)
Personalisation (11)
Other (2) Tools for customisation
Author tools: styles, scripts, interactivity
User tools: user styling, user scripting, bookmarklets
[cow tools]
User styling: when loading some URL, add custom CSS
User scripting: when loading some URL, run JS in page context
Bookmarklets: when loading bookmark, run JS in page context How we can help
Advocate for user customisation in spec design
Involve customisation tooling devs in the standards process
Help build customisation tooling — existing or new; e.g. better UI for picking and restyling elements, or improve support for user stylesheets (user origin)
Help raise funds for userscript and userstyle repos; userstyles.world, greasyfork.org, openuserjs.org

i did a talk about why being able to customise the web is important, with a focus on userstyles, userscripts, and bookmarklets.

i explore how to make them, why people make them (thanks to your replies!), what we can learn from them, and how we can make them better.
