cohost dot org (@staff) [archived]

cohost patch notes vol. 73: when it rains, it pours

happy wednesday! it’s been a hell of a week at cohost florida HQ. jae was hoping to get back to full work this week, but the rapid formation and encroachment of Hurricane Idalia means that they spent yesterday preparing and today hunkering down by government order. oh well! everyone on the west coast is doing ok though, relatively speaking.

here’s what’s new:

  • we’ve fixed bugs where, if a page had logged-out asks enabled, anon-blocking any user or blocking any page from that page would also hide all pending asks from askers who were not logged in. affected asks should now have returned to the recipients’ inboxes.
  • we’re using a new piece of tooling to help catch accessibility bugs before we ship them, and already fixed the 100 or so errors it gave us upon install.
    • keyboard navigation should be improved in a lot of places on the site.
    • we’ve made more improvements to screen reader support on the login and sign-up pages, as well as in the profile editor.
    • we’ve fixed a class of mistake we made in a lot of places around how HTML form labels are supposed to be used.
      • the tool didn’t actually catch this issue but we found and fixed it anyway
    • we’re working on further improvements here. as always, if you have suggestions for how we can make cohost better, including for disabled users, you should submit and upvote suggestions on the feature request forum.

  • we’ve redesigned the bookmarked tags feed to hopefully eliminate the problems folks were having with posts from silenced or blocked users causing blank pages and incorrect error messages to display.
    • the new system we use for fetching posts should be applicable to tag pages as well, but we’re using this as a trial run to make sure it’s not too bad performance-wise.
  • we’ve fixed an issue where a wide table in a page’s profile could cover up the post column and trick you into clicking on something you didn’t expect. thanks to @bark and @delan for reporting this issue!
  • the stuff colin was working on for OAuth support has now shipped. this should be invisible to everyone for now, but it’s out there.
    • at the moment, we’re only using this for some internal applications. we’re going to introduce full public-facing support with the launch of the public API.

that’s all for this week! stay dry, stay safe, and thanks for using cohost!

#cohost corner
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

“thanks for breaking cohost!”
