% ( cd labs/charming; ./nginx.sh | doas tee /etc/nginx/.site/charming.conf )
location ~ [.]br$ {
    more_set_headers 'Content-Encoding: br';
    expires 24h;
location / {
    rewrite ^(/05469b10b9150a46d633/data[.]hlvt[.]bin)$ $1.br last;
    rewrite ^(/0c1f9ba9f4e519f3a3c2/data[.]hjsn[.]bin)$ $1.br last;
    rewrite ^(/0c7bd87bc01783a21fd0/data[.]aliasi[.]bin)$ $1.br last;
    # [...]

    expires 24h;

    location ~ [.]html$ {
        expires off;

redeploying charming bc i broke it yesterday, and im reminded of how nginx made brotli a paid fucking feature

so anyway i have a script to generate rewrite rules to serve up prebaked brotli files :)