(@lexi) [archived]

yknow the thing i love about wolframalpha is that it can just calculate the weirdest shit and it will never question what the fuck you're doing. you can ask how much 20 bagels per FIFA football field area each hockey match duration is and it will gladly tell you that its ~7-18 second bagels per square meter

#I love computers#americans with their weird measurements would love this webbed site
Michaela Sue (@beige-alert) [archived]

So at first I was confused, but I'm a dimensional analysis kind of girl, so I got out a pencil and paper and scribbled down a bunch of stuff and I'm not a lot less confused now but I do see what happened there. I can't tell you why it happened, but, honestly, I work in biology and nothing in biology makes any sense it just happened because it happened, so this unit looks exactly like a natural outcome of evolution.

I've also done a whole lot of laughing and I'm not certain if that's because this is actually hilarious or just that this seems to be the part of my hormonal cycle when everything feels like extremely a lot, which while it includes the sads also means everything funny is hilarious and everything affirming is euphoric so I'll take it.

#now you know
shuppy (@delan) [archived]