it’s colo time
18 months ago, i started hosting my websites and other public stuff out of my house. this largely went well, except for the residential power outages thing and the paying 420 aud/month for 1000/400 thing.
1RU with gigabit in a boorloo dc is like 110 aud/month. it’s colo time :)
here is what we’re gonna move the libvirt guests to.
through some wild coincidence, the new server uses the same model mobo as my home server, and its previous life was in the same dc it’s destined for.
dress rehearsal of the migration.
first we take zfs snapshots on the old server (venus), and send them to the new server (colo). then on venus, we suspend the vm (stratus), take snapshots again, send them incrementally to colo, and kick off a live migration in libvirt. finally on colo, we resume stratus, and stratus makes the jump with under 30 seconds of downtime.
venus$ sudo zfs snapshot -r cuffs@$(date -u +%FT%RZ | tee /dev/stderr)
venus$ virsh suspend stratus
venus$ sudo zfs snapshot -r cuffs@$(date -u +%FT%RZ | tee /dev/stderr)
venus$ for i in cuffs/stratus.{vda,vdb}; do
> sudo zfs send -RvI @2023-07-01T07:49Z $i@2023-07-01T08:51Z |
> ssh colo sudo zfs recv -Fuv $i
> done
venus$ virsh migrate --verbose --live --persistent \
> stratus qemu+ssh://
colo$ virsh resume stratus
can you see where the old host got further away and the new host got closer?