how many HTML tags can you remember?
i am fucking CRACKED at this. i got 76
my results
- html
- body
- head
- title
- meta
- b
- i
- s
- div
- span
- p
- ruby
- table
- thead
- tr
- td
- script
- style
- hr
- img
- video
- audio
- svg
- iframe
- object
- button
- input
- form
- a
- label
- link
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- footer
- header
- select
- option
- tbody
- canvas
- noscript
- tfoot
- progress
- textarea
- details
- summary
- u
- ul
- figure
- caption
- figcaption
- code
- pre
- li
- ol
- template
- picture
- track
- source
- sub
- sup
- kbd
- mark
- small
- del
- ins
- strong
- embed
- article
- main
- dialog
- nav
- menu
i knew half of those because i a) use a lot of markdown and b) dug around in the HTML tag list a lot for web security stuff lol
oops i totally forgot about frames and legacy text styling (font, big, small, center), but it looks like the quiz only has <iframe> and none of the latter anyway. i was also sad to see that it excludes <plaintext>, which literally has a dedicated tokeniser state.
my best guess is that the quiz excludes everything under § 16.2 Non-conforming features, which i think is prescriptivist bullshit >:(
my raw results
a, b, i, q, s, em, strong, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, nav, section, main, footer, aside, html, head, body, script, style, meta, link, base, abbr, samp, var, u, rt, ruby, table, colgroup, col, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, summary, details, article, form, input, textarea, select, option, optgroup, map, area, img, picture, source, video, audio, object, embed, br, svg, math, kbd, pre, code, blockquote, address, time, hgroup, button, label, template, slot, div, span, hr, canvas, dialog, title, figure, figcaption, mark, menu, rp, wbr
how they were laid out in my head
(bold for things i feel smug about knowing, italic for “non-conforming”)
- [inline markup] span, a, b, i, q, s, u, br, hr, em, strong, code, time, mark, ruby, rt, rp, abbr, samp, var, kbd, wbr, nobr, acronym, xmp, tt
- [block markup] div, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, header, footer, nav, article, main, section, aside, figure, figcaption, blockquote, address, pre
- [structure + metadata] html, head, title, body, meta, link, base
- [tables + lists + forms] table, colgroup, col, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, form, input, textarea, button, label, select, option, optgroup
- [other interactives] details, summary, dialog, menu
- [replaced elements] img, canvas, picture, video, audio, source, object, embed
- [foreign elements and other things that are handled weirdly by the tokeniser] svg, math, script, style, plaintext
- [custom elements] template, slot
- [image maps] map, area
- [stuff i forgot about] frames (iframe, frameset, frame), fallbacks (noscript, noframes, noembed), 15 billion devices run Java™ but not on the web now so it’s a pain in the ass to use the kvm on any of my server management controllers (applet), shit from the browser wars that somehow didn’t even make it into the whatwg spec (layer), output, progress, meter, cite, dfn, data, datalist, bdi, bdo, ins, del, sub, sup, font, big, small, center, bgsound, dir, isindex, keygen, listing, menuitem, nextid, param, rb, rtc, strike, basefont, blink, marquee, multicol, spacer