Wobblegong (@wobblegong) [archived]

RSD is sooooooooo annoying. I experience the emotional equivalent of a ticketed misdemeanor and my brain/body lose their shit like it was a federal felony. The most annoying part is my consciousness is not asked for its opinion– I am fully aware this is a wildly disproportionate reaction, and I'm just as incredulous as anyone about it! But knowing this is ridiculous doesn't do anything to prevent 4-48 hours of feeling Aggressively Awful.

At least I didn't luck into the "feels like I'm being physically stabbed" full-impairment version this time. 😒 I would like to thank modern pharmaceuticals for fixing me up to the point where I merely feel Bad™ but can more or less go about my day.

#erudite cheeping#interesting to see the article make the point#that there WAS research indicating ADHD had emotional problems (this type)#before it was ever named ADHD!#but it's hard to people to even describe and sucks worse to measure#so everyone walked off to go make the current diagnostics#that basically only work to ID one variant and only in teens. lol.
shuppy (@delan) [archived]

“I experience the emotional equivalent of a ticketed misdemeanor and my brain/body lose their shit like it was a federal felony.”